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사업실명제 결과 조회 - 번호, 년도, 사업명, 담당부서, 파일, 등록일, 조회수 를 확인하실 수 있습니다.
번호 논문제목 저자 학술지 게재일
1721 The development status of PET radiotracer for evaluating neuroinflammation 이남훈(방사성의약품개발팀,40%) Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaing 2024-06-15
1720 Feasibility Study of Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography with Iodine-123 Labeled Metaiodobenzylguanidine for Preclinical Evaluation of Labetalol as a β-Adrenergic Receptor Blocker 최이슬(방사선비임상센터,21%) molecular pharmaceutics 2024-05-06
1719 Inhibition of Death- associated protein kinase 3 (DAPK3) suppresses radiation-induced cellular senescence by activation of PGC1α-dependent metabolism pathway in brain endothelial cells 박지은(질환모델연구팀,30%), 박정우(의생명중개연구팀,30%) The journal of Gerontology Series A 2024-05-01
1718 Radiopharmaceuticals for Skeletal Muscle PET Imaging 박주연(20%), 박선미(20%) International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2024-04-29
1717 Gene expression and DNA methylation profiling suggest potential biomarkers for azacitidine resistance in myelodysplastic syndrome 김다연(질환모델연구팀,30%), 신동엽(서울대학교의과대학,30%) IJMS 2024-04-26
1716 Assessment of Radio-Activation Using Spectroscopy in Medical Linear Accelerators and Implications for Radiation Hazard Mitigation and Equipment Decommissioning 권나혜(연세대학교,21%) PLOS ONE 2024-04-18
1715 Novel amidine derivative K1586 sensitizes colorectal cancer cells to ionizing radiation by inducing Chk1 instability 박지은(질환모델연구팀,20%), 김항수(경북대,20%) International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2024-04-16
1714 Secondary Hematological Malignancies In Sarcoma Patients: A single-Center Retrospective Study 장윤정(혈액종양내과5,20%), 정홍규(혈액종양내과,20%) Oncology letters 2024-04-16
1713 Novel amidine derivative K1586 sensitizes colorectal cancer cells to ionizing radiation by inducing Chk1 instability 서영배, 김광석 International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2024-04-16
1712 Secondary Hematological Malignancies In Sarcoma Patients: A single-Center Retrospective Study 강혜진 Oncology letters 2024-04-16
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