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혁신적 암치료를 선도하는 세계 방사선의학의 중심, 한국원자력의학원

사업실명제 결과 조회 - 번호, 년도, 사업명, 담당부서, 파일, 등록일, 조회수 를 확인하실 수 있습니다.
번호 논문제목 저자 학술지 게재일
1683 Comparsion of Xpert Xpress SARS-CoV-2 assay compared with Stnadard M nCoV reaal-time PCR 오애진 Clinical laboratory 2024-02-01
1682 Comparison of PET tracing and biodistribution between 64Cu-labeled micro-and nano-polystyrene in a murine inhalation model 김진수 particle and fibre toxicology 2024-01-31
1681 Saengmaeksan, a traditional polyherbal formulation containing Panax ginseng, improves energy metabolism during exercise 김범산, 이강파, 문병석 Plos one 2024-01-29
1680 Comparison of cellular responses to ionizing radiation in keratinocytes isolated from healthy donors and type Ⅱ diabetes patients 이재연 International Journal of Radiation Biology 2024-01-29
1679 Therapeutic effects of a novel electrode for transcranial direct current stimulation in ischemic stroke mice 신화경, 최병태 Theranostics 2024-01-21
1678 CXCL10 upregulation in radiation-exposed human peripheral blood mononuclear cells as a candidate biomarker for rapid triage after radiation exposure 심세환, 김민정 International journal of radiation biology 2024-01-16
1677 X-band EPR dosimetry using minimum mass of tooth enamel for use in radiological accidents 김재석 Nuclear Engineering and Technology 2024-01-13
1676 Prenatal to Peripubertal Exposure to Di(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate Induced Endometrial Atrophy and Fibrosis in Female Mice 윤영숙, 김영아 Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2024-01-01
1675 Clinical Utility of Cellular Hemoglobin as a Compatible Marker to Saline Replacement Method in Measurement of Hemoglobin at Lipemic samples 오애진 Laboratory Medicine Online 2024-01-01
1674 Estimation of DNA damage in Human Fibroblast Cell from Radiopharmaceuticals by using Monte Carlo Simulation 조일성, 김정영 Journal of Radiopharmaceuticals and Molecular 2023-12-30
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