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혁신적 암치료를 선도하는 세계 방사선의학의 중심, 한국원자력의학원

사업실명제 결과 조회 - 번호, 년도, 사업명, 담당부서, 파일, 등록일, 조회수 를 확인하실 수 있습니다.
번호 논문제목 저자 학술지 게재일
1673 The Role of Standards in Regulation of Nuclear Medicine Devices 조일성 Journal of Radiopharmaceuticals and Molecular 2023-12-30
1672 Inhibition of protein-protein interactions using biodegradable depsipeptide nanoassemblies 구희범, 권호정, 임용범 Journal of Controlled Release 2023-12-30
1671 BR101801 enhances the radiosensitivity of p53-deficient colorectal cancer cells by inducing G2/M arrest, apoptosis, and senescence in a p53-independent manner 김병수, 정연경 American Journal of Cancer Research 2023-12-30
1670 Association between Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Chronic Dizziness using 2019-2021 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Data 안정민 Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 2023-12-30
1669 ENSA is essential to maintain spindle pole integrity through its interaction and recruitment of Aurora A during mitosis 김재성 bmc cancer 2023-12-22
1668 Poliovirus receptor inhibition in breast cancer cells induces antitumor immunity via T cell activation 송지영 American Journal of Cancer Research 2023-12-22
1667 A phase II study of 131I-rituximab for patients with relapsed or refractory marginal zone lymphoma 강혜진 clinical medicine insight oncology 2023-12-12
1666 Amino acid deprivation induces TXNIP expression by NRF2 downregulation 박인철, 진현옥 IUBMB life 2023-12-06
1665 Self-Assembling Biomolecules for Biosensor Applications 정우진, 최준식, 김교범 Biomaterials Research 2023-12-05
1664 Second intercomparison on electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) retrospective dosimetry in Korea using hydroxyapatite 강영록 Nucelar Engineering and Technology 2023-12-01
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