With the world’s top-tier medical staff, the Thyroid Cancer Center at the Korea Cancer Center Hospital provides daily outpatient healthcare and one-stop service to complete examinations on the day of the patient’s visit. Having developed systems to minimize the surgery waiting time and ensure successful post-operative radioactive iodine therapy, the center also established an effective post-operative follow-up management system. The center pursues integrated care service from “diagnosis to post-operative care” in order to provide an optimal environment for helping patients overcome cancer.
For comprehensive patient care, the center has established a close cooperative treatment system among the fields of surgery, endocrinology, nuclear medicine, pathological diagnosis, radiology, etc. Based on the system, it adopts a patient-customized treatment method to establish the best treatment plans for individual patients.
For early-stage thyroid cancer, patient satisfaction is improved through the administration of minimal invasive surgery and endoscopic surgery to minimize scarring. The center also provides successful post-operative care by operating the largest number of radioactive iodine therapy rooms among hospitals in Korea.
In addition, nurses specializing in the treatment of thyroid cancer patients are assigned as coordinators to provide consultation and education on outpatient care, hospitalization, surgery, radioactive iodine therapy, treatment after discharge, and follow-up care in order to ensure the convenience of patients and more professional and consistent care system.
The Thyroid Cancer Center is making continued effort to overcome cancer by carrying out various activities in scientific research for thyroid cancer in addition to clinical activities to analyze patients’ treatment results and determining future treatment policies.