With extensive clinical experiences accumulated for over 60 years, the Spinal Tumor Center at the Korea Cancer Center Hospital specializes in the treatment of and surgery for various spine-related diseases including spinal cancer, spinal cord tumor, spinal stenosis, and cancer pain.
For accurate diagnosis and effective treatment, top-tier specialists in each field provide customized, patient-focused integrated healthcare based on organic cooperation.
For the treatment of spinal tumor, surgical and radiological treatment methods are used. These include surgical resection, vertebroplasty, and navigation surgery. The CyberKnife system introduced for the first time in Korea enhances the effect of cancer treatment by removing cancer using radiation rather than surgical blade while minimizing the destruction of normal cells. In addition, Rapid Arc is effective in treating metastatic cancer such as spinal tumor.
For this reason, cases of spinal tumor treatment are steadily increasing each year.
The medical staff at the Spinal Tumor Center in particular also have extensive experiences in the surgical treatment of cancer pain. They treat patients using various methods including high-frequency therapy, nerve block, and spinal cord stimulation. Together with professors abroad, Director Ung Gyu Jang of the Spinal Tumor Center wrote a book on spinal tumor, which is used as a textbook for neurosurgery in the US. He also founded the Korean Spine Oncology Research Society.
Having already established himself in Korea as the best doctor for spinal tumor treatment, Dr. Jang has secured a leading position for the Spinal Cancer Center within the country. The Spinal Cancer Center will take on new challenges to achieve complete cure for spinal tumor by accumulating greater experiences and expertise.