- 12.31Completion of the project to strengthen the foundation for medical response to infectious disease disasters
- 12.26Acquisition of electronic medical record(EMR) system certification
- 09.03Closure of the respiratory specialty clinic operation
- 06.28Establishment of a blood transfusion management team
- 12.31Redesignation of local emergency medical system(EMS) institutions
- 10.07Acquisition of KOLAS certified biobanks recognition
- 06.01Establishment of a nursing education team
- 02.28Selected as a participating organization in the support project for clinical nurse educators led by the Ministry of Health and Welfare
- 02.01Participation in the Ministry of Health and Welfare's medical institution health information exchange
- 11.10Introduction of a robotic surgery using Revo-i
- 03.02Starting operation of the hospitalist ward
- 11.27Obtained 3year accreditation of clinical learning environment Review from the ministry of health and welfare
- 10.06Obtained three year accreditation from the
ministry of health and welfare through medical institution assessmen
(2020.10.6~2024.10.5) - 09.28Expending comprehensive nursing care service
- 08.24Launched the Consultation-based Hospice Service
- 01.01Participation in the New DRG System Designation of the Regional Hospice Center
- 11.06Designation of the Advanced Medical Directives Registration Organization
- 12.27Received 2018 Best ADR Reporter Award by National Medical Center
- 12.10Designated as ‘Regional Emergency Medical Center’ (2019~2021)
- 11.07Opened ‘Hereditary Cancer Consultation Clinic’
- 09.01Received ‘Excellent Endoscopy Unit Recognition’ (18.9~21.8)
- 03.29Acquired ‘Degree A’ in the 2017 Public-Serivce Customer Satisfaction Index by the Ministry of Economy and Finance
- 12.09Comprehensive Cancer Examination Center
earned the "Excellent Comprehensive Health Check-up Center" accreditation
(Evaluation agency: The Korean Society of Health Screening and Promotion) - 12.05Hospice Palliative Care Center acquired
grade A (best grade) for bereavement family satisfaction in 2016
(Research agency: Hospice Palliative Care Center at National Cancer Center) - 12.01Obtained a 3-year accreditation (2018~2020)
in residency environment assessment
(Evaluation agency: Korean Hospital Association) - 10.16Carry out a comprehensive nursing services
- 07.27Hemodialysis Center earned the first class
on the 5thhaemodialysisadequacyevaluation
(Evaluation agency: Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service)
- 12.02Held the Fall Academic Conference of the Korean Society of Radiation Bioscience
- 11.09Signed an MOU with the KAIST Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering
- 10.20Participated in the exhibition of outstanding outcomes at the 2016 University-Industry Joint Expo
- 09.21Participated in the 2016 World Nuclear and Radiation Expo Korea
- 08.04Signed an MOU between the Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences and AMI Technology regarding cooperation for the exportation of cyclotrons
- 08.03Participated in Korea Science Festival 2016
- 06.01Joint Workshop between the Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences and the Advanced Radiation Technology Institute
- 05.16Reorganized the subordinate structure at the
research institute
- Reorganized the existing 4 departments, 1 office, 1 center, and 5 teams into 5 departments and 3 centers - 03.22Held groundbreaking ceremony for the Radiation Fusion Center (Research Laboratory 3)
- 02.19Signed an MOU with the Biotechnology Research Institute and Creative Bio Health Science at Changwon National University
- 10.01Opened Hospice & Palliative Care Center
- 04.01Introduced multidisciplinary integrated care system
- 04.11Conducted mobile clinic (targeting residents in Nowon-gu, Sangju-si, etc.)
- 03.10Conducted Saturday free mobile clinic (Suraksan Mountain, Gongneungsan Mountain, and Baeksemun Gate Entrance)
- 04Achieved 3,000 cases of Cyberknife radiosurgery
- 01.28Established External Affairs and Medical Cooperation and International Health Care Center
- 01.04Conducted Saturday Clinic
- 12.17 Concluded the cooperation agreement on inheritance-related research with Cheil General Hospital
- 12.09 Acquired certification for excellent endoscopy room (Sept. 2012 - Aug. 2015)
- 12.05 Held a symposium in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the “National Radiation Emergency Medical Center”
- 11.20 20 Held the honorary ambassadors’ patient consolation concert
- 11.07 Obtained accreditation for healthcare organization from the Ministry of Health and Welfare (Nov. 7, 2012 - Nov. 6, 2016)
- 09.06 Published the English version of textbook on bone tumor - “Pathfinder of bone tumor” by Jeon Dae-Geun, Department of Orthopedic Surgery
- 07.09 Opened the National Health Insurance Service (NHIS) Health Examination Center
- 07.07 “One-day table tenis class” held by Honorary Ambassador Hyun Jeong-Hwa for cancer patients
- 05.21 Opened hospice rooms only for hospice care
- 03.08 Director General of the hospital awarded the “Social Contribution Grand Prix for Sharing Happiness 2012”
- 03.01 Established the Department of Family Medicine
- 01.20 Inked an agreement on mutual cooperation with the National Cancer Center
- 12.05 Held the groundbreaking ceremony for the Medical Heavy Particle Accelerator Center
- 11.25 Medical team of the Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute visited the hospital
- 11.18 Inked agreement on sisterhood relations with Sangju-si Hwadong-myeon
- 11.03 Held the Pink Tour healthcare course for the nation
- 09.21 Held the “Colon Cancer Day” event
- 08.11 Established the Pain Clinic
- 06.01 Established the Thyroid Cancer Center
- 05.24 Held the honorary ambassadors’ concert
- 04.20 Chief Lee Jun-Ah of the hospital school awarded a certificate from the Minister of Education, Science, and Technology on the Nationl Day for the Disabled
- 03.08 Park Hae-Mi named honorary ambassador
- 01.19 Concluded the agreement for academic exchange with the Air Force Aerospace Medical Center
- 9.27 Authorization to establish a research center founding business-Health Biomed Corporation
- 7.30 Launched the Medical Heavy Particle Accelerator Agency
- 6.17 Entered into MOU with National Rehabilitation
- 3.27 Inauguration of the second president (Lee, Jongin) of the Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences
- 2.09 Entered into MOU with National Gunsan University
Establishing REMES (Radiological Emergency
Treatment Cyber Educational System) - 1.29 Entered into MOU with Seoul Dongbu Hospital
- 12.22 Hosted the year-end concert for patients in the Korea Cancer Center Hospital
- 12.21 Hosted the second year anniversary of the Hospital School exhibit
- 8.06 Operation started for Rapid Arc (IGAT)
- 6.22 Operation of PET-MRI for the first time in the country
- 5.28 Opened the Breast Cancer Center
Built an extension of the intensive care unit
(10 beds-26 beds) -
Hosted charity concert for patients in the Korea
Cancer Center Hospital - 11.17 Hosted the reporting ceremony for the first anniversary of the Hospital School
- 11.13 Hosted the conference of opening of the hospital
- 10.30 Hosted the 4th Pink Ribbon Health Lecture
- 10.29 Emergency Room Renovation constructions completed
- 8.25 Number of Cyber Knife patients exceeded 2,000
- 6.26 Hosted the first Training Class for the opening of the hospital
- 11.16 Opening of the Hospital School in the pediatric ward
- 10.19 Entered into collaboration agreement with the Mongolia National Cancer Center
- 10.18 Entered into collaboration agreement with Gunma University in Japan
- 10.11-12 Hosted the 2007 Nuclear Medicine Symposium
- 5.18 Co-hosted a conference with the Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute & Hospital
- 4.12-13 Hosted the Special Disaster Research Group Workshop
- 4.05 Hosted the opening ceremony of the Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences
- 3.27 Launched the Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences system
- 3.12 Relocated Mortuary to a new building
- 12.26 Became an independent organization according to the amendment of the "Radiation and Radioactive Isotope Use Promotion Act"
- 12.19 Collaboration agreement on Special Disaster Consolititd Responses concluded between the Korea Cancer Center Hospital and Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Co. LTD. (Radiation Health Research Institute)
- 12.07 Entered into collaboration agreement with Pusan Metropolitan City Medical Center
- 9.16 Entered into collaboration agreement with the National Regional Medical Center Alliance
- 7.26 Hosted the international workshop for radiological medical device
- 6.30 Completion of research center
- 4.25 Co-hosted the third conference with the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
- 3.29 Entered into collaboration agreement with the Russia Medical & Radiological Research Center
- 3.25 Hosted the Gongreung Symposium
- 3.22 Southeast Region Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences groundbreaking ceremony
- 3.15 Opened the Neurology Department
- 2.20 Groundbreaking ceremony of the Environment Improvement Project
Amendment of organizational regulation-establishment of the
Southeast Region Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences
- 12.02 Hosted event for long-term survivors and fully recovered patients
- 9.30 Collaboration agreement concluded between the Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences and L' Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN)
- 9.02 Entered into collaboration agreement with Pusan St. Mary's Hospital
- 8.22 Founded the chemotherapy center
- 8.19 Collaboration agreement concluded between the Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences and Central Rescue Team (911)
- 7.06 Entered into collaboration agreement with the Korea Life Science Research Center
- 6.30 Number of patients treated with Cyber Knife reached 1,000 in 3 years since its first use in the country, presentation of treatment examples
- 5.24 Hosted the Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences International Symposium (Subject: Molecular target in radiation cancer research)
- 3.31 Entered into collaboration agreement with Cheju Halla Ho
- 2.25 Entered into collaboration agreement with the Kazakhstan Institute of Nuclear Physics
- 12.24 Groundbreaking ceremony for the 2nd research ward of the Radiation Medicine Research Center
- 11.16 Collaboration agreement with the Radiation Medicine Consolititd Research Center of Japan for Radiation Medicine Research and Technical Cooperation
- 11.05 Reorganization of the substructure of the KOREA INSTITUTE OF RADIOLOGICAL & MEDICAL SCIENCES
- 10.29 Hosted Declaration Ceremony of KIRANS VISION 2013
- 07.13 Inauguration of Lee, Sooyong as president of the KOREA INSTITUTE OF RADIOLOGICAL & MEDICAL SCIENCES
- 06.15 Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) introduction and operation
- 04.25 Entered into collaboration agreement with Chunjin Medical School, Chunjin Cancer Center Hospital for cancer field joint research performance
- 03.27 Entered into collaboration agreement with Tran Hung Dao Hospital in Vietnam for Radiation Medical Technology
- 03.27 Entered into collaboration agreement with Tran Hung Dao Hospital in Vietnam for Radiation Medical Technology
- 03.26 Sign Hanging ceremony for the building of the Southeast Region Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences
- 02.27 Hosted International Radiation Surgery Symposium
- 01.28 Entered into collaboration agreement with the Indonesia Nuclear Power Research Center for cooperation on Radiation Medicine
- 01.20 Designation of the Radiation Disaster Response Medical Network Rempan dispatch center between the National Radiation Emergency Medical Treatment Center and WHO
- 11.20 Hosted the Radiation Emergency Treatment International Symposium and Workshop
- 10.09 Hosted the joint conference of the KOREA INSTITUTE OF RADIOLOGICAL & MEDICAL SCIENCES-Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC)
- 10.09 40th anniversary Ceremony of the KOREA INSTITUTE OF RADIOLOGICAL & MEDICAL SCIENCES
- 03.10 First operation of PET/CT in the country
- 11.29 Opened the Cancer Prevention Examination Center
- 09.26 Opened the National Radiation Emergency Medical Treatment Center
- 09.13 Entered into MOU agreement with the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in the US
- 07.19 Opened the Cyber Knife Center
- 12.29Construction completed for the National Radiation Emergency Medical Treatment Center
1996 ~ 1989 before
- 1997.08.02Operation of Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
- 1995.07.07Construction of the new Research Ward completed
- 1989.03.13 First production of Cyclotron Medical radioactive isotope in the country
- 1988.01.01 Restructured as a subdivision of the Korea Nuclear Power Research Center
- 1986.12.16 Designated as specialized physicians' training hospital (intern, resident)
- 1986.11.17 Operation of Cyclotron Neutron Ray Cancer Treatment Device for the first time in the country
- 1984.10.22 Radiation Hospital moved to the new building and opened
- 1981.12.26 New hospital construction commenced (Seoul, Dobong-gu, Gongreung-dong)
- 1973.02.17 Reorganized as Radiological Hospital, a subdivision of the Korea Institute of Radiological Research Center
- 1969.04.28 Operation of the first Cobalt Treatment Device in the country
- 1968.02.10 Opened the Cancer Hospital as a subdivision
- 1963.12.17 Operation of the first Cobalt Treatment Device in the country
- 1963.12.17 Opened the Radiation Medical Research Center
- 1962.03.29 Newly estabilished the Radiation Medicine Lab in Radiological Research Center