The PET Center started to operate PET in 1997, which opened a new era of early diagnosis of microcarcinoma as small as 5mm. In 2000, additional PET was operated and in 2003, the first PET/CT in the nation started to be operated, continued with the PET-MRI system installation in 2009, which introduced a new imaging modality that combined nuclear medicine field and radiology fields.
Positron emission tomography (PET) is a method of detecting newly developed cancer or determining whether a cancer has recurred, by injecting positron emitting radiopharmaceuticals into the body and creating an image of the distribution of radiotracer in the body.
To determine the present conditions within the body, radiopharmaceuticals are created by attaching positron emitting radioisotopes on substances that compose the body, and only tiny amounts of radiopharmaceuticals are needed to detect the changes going on within the body.
The radiopharmaceuticals injected in the body help externally located cameras create images of the distribution of glucose metabolism within the body. Currently, the most widely used radiopharmaceutical is the glucose derivative analogue FDG (Fluoro-Deoxyglucose). -