The Esophageal Cancer Center at the Korea Cancer Center Hospital provides customized healthcare service to every esophageal cancer patient by keeping the following in mind:
First, starting out as Korea's first clinic specializing in esophageal cancer treatment in 1984 during which the level of attention to esophageal cancer was very low, the Esophageal Cancer Center at the Korea Cancer Center Hospital is a specialized medical institution handling over 60% of esophageal cancer patients in Korea.
Second, the Esophageal Cancer Center is Korea’s first medical institution to verify that esophageal cancer, which has the poorest prognosis, can be completely cured and overcome by attempting interdisciplinary approaches and aggressive treatment.
Third, in line with the purpose of establishment as a national cancer center not aimed at profit making, the Esophageal Cancer Center supplies state-of-the-art medical facilities and drugs at the lowest prices.
Fourth, the Esophageal Cancer Center not only provides treatment for esophageal cancer itself but also focuses on helping patients resume food intake.
Fifth, according to its philosophy as a cancer hospital placing the highest priority on qualitative improvement rather than qualitative expansion, the Esophageal Cancer Center aims to provide service that allows patients to feel at home. Not pursuing profits, which is not possible for large-scale private hospitals, the Esophageal Cancer Center provides preferential options to patients who have received treatment for re-hospitalization and outpatient appointment. In addition, through organic cooperation among Korea’s top-tier experts, it offers optimal healthcare service to every single patient.
Lastly, the Esophageal Cancer Center strives to continue providing follow-up healthcare to prevent patients’ complications or relapse after discharge from the hospital. The Esophageal Cancer Center at the Korea Cancer Center Hospital promises to bring back the smiles to the faces of patients by placing greater value on helping them enjoy normal life beyond survival.