As Korea’s first lung cancer center, the Lung Cancer Center at the Korea Cancer Center Hospital maintains and further develops the world’s best medical care record based on extensive clinical experiences and research activities.
The Department of Chest Surgery produces the world’s best surgical performance. For example, the cure rate of stage 1 lung cancer is over 90%, and that of stage 2 lung cancer is also over 50%. Having introduced mediastinal lymph node dissection for the first time in Korea, the center drastically improved the lung cancer cure rate. It takes pride in being the world’s best lung cancer center, maintaining stage 3 cancer cure rate of 30% or higher.
Equipped with state-of-the-art radiotherapy systems for lung cancer treatment such as CyberKnife and SMRT, the Lung Cancer Center is the living history and a leader of Korea’s radiotherapy.
The friendly Chemotherapy Team with extensive clinical experiences provides anticancer drugs of all types and never gives up on patients under any circumstances.
The Lung Cancer Center has established an interdisciplinary treatment system wherein cancer specialists in seven clinical departments with extensive experiences in lung cancer treatment discuss lung cancer diagnosis and treatment based on close cooperation to provide the most suitable treatments according to patients’ physical conditions and cancer stages.
Having secured the largest number of research personnel among hospitals in Korea with the goal of verifying the causes of lung cancer and developing new treatment methods, the center is building achievements in lung cancer treatment including verification of patient-customized treatment techniques through studies on cancer genes and molecular biology. The Lung Cancer Center also participates in clinical trials actively in order not to miss out on new treatment techniques and to provide patients with various treatment opportunities and benefits.
Providing the best healthcare service based on its medical technologies, experiences, and achievements built over a period of 60 years, the Lung Cancer Center strives to extend the survival time of patients and provide them with opportunities to enjoy higher quality of living.