“We are committed to achieving the complete satisfaction of patients coming to us instead of other hospitals in Korea and abroad.” Under this motto, the Department of Chest Surgery at the Korea Cancer Center Hospital dedicates utmost effort to providing the best healthcare service to every single patient.
First, as Korea’s first chest surgery department specializing in cancer treatment established in 1963 when cancer was not widespread, the Department of Chest Surgery is providing top-quality medical service through its top-tier medical staff based on extensive clinical experiences and research outcomes on the treatment of lung cancer, esophageal cancer, mediastinal tumor, etc.
Second, in line with the purpose of establishment as a national medical institution not aiming for profit-making, the Department of Chest Surgery strives to supply state-of-the-art medical facilities and drugs at the lowest prices.
Third, according to its philosophy as a cancer hospital placing the highest priority on qualitative improvement rather than qualitative expansion, the Department of Chest Surgery aims to provide service that allows patients to feel at home. In addition to ensuring swift treatment and free hospitalization appointment in order to prevent patients’ inconvenience in waiting for treatment or hospital room, which is often experienced in large-scale hospitals, the department provides optimal surgery through organic and integrated medical care by Korea’s top-tier experts.
Lastly, the Department of Chest Surgery strives to provide lifelong healthcare service to prevent patients’ complications or relapse after discharge from the hospital. The Department of Chest Surgery is committed to helping patients regain health to enjoy quality life beyond survival.